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Freudian's theory of dreaming suggests that the mind is like an iceberg. It consists of our conscious mind and unconscious which we are normally unable to access it.


The unconscious mind contains unacceptable thoughts, feelings and desires that our conscious mind cannot deal with. They are also considered to be unacceptable in society. Freud suggested this part of our personality is the ID and is repressed by another part of our personality called the ego. The ID is primeval and presents all our instinctive urges, especially those related to aggression and sex.


Dreams allow us to access the unconscious mind. 


The idea is that the human mind is mainly made up of the unconscious mind. It is also thought that this is the key drive behind many of our behaviours. He believed that actions do not happened randomly and are motivated by unconscious urges and desires and that dreams were a product of the unconscious mind. For example, Freud was interested in mental illness and thought the best way to understand someone's psychology was through understanding what was happening in their unconscious.




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